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Taking and encouraging responsibility
As the name suggests, ResponsAbilita is all about taking responsibility. Successful prevention is not only based on the personal responsibility of individuals, but also the responsibility of the most important actors in society. Being able to recognise both requires certain competencies.
ResponsAbilita therefore seeks to empower children and young people to take responsibility for their own actions and consumer behaviour. They also need cross-cutting competencies to be able to recognise society’s responsibility and to help shape the general environment.

A focus on active participation
‘Participation and empowerment’ is one of seven defined ESD pedagogical principles. We therefore specifically promote the necessary competencies and boost young people’s self-efficacy. This is why we not only involved children and young people in the creation process of the offer. We will also further enhance ResponsAbility in collaboration with schools. As part of the challenges, schools can participate and also win attractive prizes.